Name Day Holiday

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Name Day, Holiday

What is Name Day?

Name day is a special day celebrated in many cultures to commemorate the feast day of the saint who shares the same name as the person being celebrated. It is a day of celebration and reflection, and is often marked by special traditions and customs.

History of Name Day

The tradition of name day dates back to the early days of Christianity, when people would be baptized and given the name of a saint. This saint would then become their patron saint, and their feast day would be celebrated as their name day.

Over time, the tradition of name day spread throughout Europe and beyond. Today, it is celebrated in many countries around the world, including Poland, Russia, Greece, and Romania.

How is Name Day Celebrated?

Name day is typically celebrated with a combination of religious and secular traditions. In some cultures, people will attend church on their name day and pray to their patron saint. They may also receive special gifts or treats from their family and friends.

In other cultures, name day is more of a secular holiday. People may have a party or gathering to celebrate, and they may exchange gifts or cards. Some people also believe that it is good luck to make a wish on their name day.

Name Day Traditions Around the World

The traditions surrounding name day vary from country to country. In Poland, for example, name day is considered to be more important than a person's birthday. People often receive more gifts and attention on their name day than they do on their birthday.

In Russia, name day is typically celebrated with a family gathering. People will often eat a special meal and sing songs in honor of the person being celebrated.

In Greece, name day is a religious holiday. People will often attend church and pray to their patron saint. They may also receive a special blessing from the priest.


Name day is a special day that is celebrated in many cultures around the world. It is a day to commemorate the feast day of the saint who shares the same name as the person being celebrated. Name day is typically celebrated with a combination of religious and secular traditions, and the traditions vary from country to country.